Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sweet Treats

At the close of the night I find little more comforting than to sit, warm and complacent, with a Mint Slice in one hand and a Jam Fancy in the other. An indulgence such as this can seldom be compared.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby Geniuses

I couldn't face this Monday. I was totally unprepared for its arrival, and so decided to turn my back, and avoid it all together. So now, I am staring at the screen of my laptop, listening to Eric Clapton's Running on Faith, while trying to convince my brain to tell my hand to push the keys on the keyboard, and write the essay I have due tomorrow. Instead, my brain told my hand to click on the internet shortcut and log into blogger. 

I'll just treat this as my warm up for what I'm actually meant to be doing. 

So, for a uni assessment (no, not the one due tomorrow) I'm writing an article on being a kid in the digital age. It's something I'm pretty interested in, having worked in a daycare centre for the past 2 years. I've spent some time observing the young kids I encounter and have noticed quite a significant difference in how they act compared to how my sister/cousins/friends and I acted at the same age. Now maybe I'm basing this on a biased opinion on 90s kids compared to millennium bubs, but I really don't think I am. 

Kids today are smarter, they break down information faster - but they also grow tired of things quicker. They're exposed to things earlier - sometimes too early - and consequential to this explosion of stimulation and knowledge, their patience is close to non-existent, and their ability to entertain themselves with a simple game of Mummies and Daddies is lacking. 

I was taught how to use a Nintendo DS last weekend by a 5 year old. She let me play on her brother's console. He is three. This little girl was putting together puzzles on the little interactive, LCD screen. When I asked her if she liked playing with real puzzles, she said, "Nah, I like playing with them on here."

Tell me you don't think something is not right here.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Auburn afternoons

I have to say, I feel bad for not having written on here in a little while. I feel badly for robbing myself of my weekly therapy session, and so, do believe I deserve a slap to the wrist.

So, autumn has crept up on us, and I've just decided that it is my favourite season. It's just so pretty - yes my decision will be solely based on aesthetics. I find autumn distracts me; I get drawn in by its charm and begin envisioning romantic scenes. The colours of autumn are seductive; they make me want to stop and lie under some huge deciduous tree, forever. Possibly with a book in hand and Bloc Party's Blue Light playing softly in the background, or something...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Love is...on the train?

I witnessed a reunion the other day. And it was probably one of the most effecting moments i've seen.

I had just stepped off a train and was walking out of the station onto the street. There was a girl walking ahead of me, heading down the steps at the station's exit. She would have been close to me in age - somewhere between 21 and 24. She was fairly short, and she was wearing a loosely-fitted black dress. As she stepped off the last step and onto level ground, a tall, thin man donning green cargo pants, a backpack and a full beard ran to her side and reached out to touch her arm. The girl was startled by the touch felt; she gasped and jumped to face him. Her face changed as she recognised who he was - she was trying to hold back tears. Then she burried her face into his chest, and stayed there a long while. He spoke no words, but just held her tight and ran his fingers through the back of her hair. He then took her hand, and walked her home.

Although a relatively insignificant happening, seeing this seems to have (momentarily) dissolved all my cynicisms about love. There it was: plain, real, and beautiful. And there, standing amongst the other nameless commuters, I was comforted by the realisation that this is what it's all about - finding someone we know will run to our side, hold our hand, and bring us home.